
Experienced User Support

Your contact partner..

Easy way of support..

“Sometimes a solution,

is closer than you think.”





“ If you have a question.. “


“Just ask.. ”

We make arrangements..

Central support point..

Problem Analyse..

We find a solution..

We have more than one support source..

We found solution, we contact you..


We thank you..

My first support was MAC4ME, related to Apple Macintosh Computers, years later because of my work i did in computer repair, the site changed to 4U2.SUPPORT.

Finally i decided to close the site, but still keep giving support, so a small part moved  to KOLVA.NET.


Here you can ask questions and find solution to questions.

In the form below you can explain your request, important to explain clear your request. You need to check the radio button of your request. - You can ask for a chatroom account, private room if needed. - And you can request our Service Information .PDF folder. - Only requests with full name and email address are being accepted for support request. ***

- Extended form for pro-users you find below ***

Explain below your request:

*** Your full name , and email address:

- We have a more advanced  form, with more options, on this form you can request or ask Projected oriented options. ***